Slim Waistline Tea
Slim Waistline Tea Contains the specially formulated Natural Fat Burning. Which works synergistically with several other natural extracts to tackle the problem of fat accumulation effectively by: Prevention of excess fat and sugar absorption Enhancement of thermogenesis Ingredient: Gyrophral (Lingzhi) Hemp seed, Sickie Sienna Seed, Honeysuckle Flower of Hyacinth, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Green Tea, Japanese Generation Dietary Fiber. Main Effect Speed up decomposing neutral fat Repress sugar absorbing Prevent storing up of neutral fat Discharge toxin and urine Prevent mouth's off-door Regulate organic balance Treat those who suffer from constipation Direction 1.Drink two or three times meals a day (tea bag dipped in hot water for 8 minutes ) for the purpose of discharging toxin and losing weight and those who suffer from serious constipation. 2.Drink once a day after meal for the purpose of keeping fit and beautifying oneself (tea bag dipped in hot wayter for 8 minutes) 30 Packs